Qu’ran Kareem School

At Qu’ran Kareem School, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and age-appropriate curriculum to our students. Our curriculum is divided into three main categories:

  1. Qu’ran & Surahs
  2. Islamic Studies
  3. Kalimahs and Duas

We believe that sending your child to our school is only the first step towards helping them become confident, practicing Muslims. As parents, you have an important role to play in instilling good character and knowledge in your child. While our students spend 1 hour 15 minutes per day at the school, the total teaching hours throughout an academic year add up to approximately 215 hours – which is only around 9 days. Therefore, we believe that what happens at home is just as important as what happens in the classroom.

It is important to note that our curriculum is designed to supplement the education that parents provide at home. As such, we believe that the responsibility of educating your children about Islam rests solely on your shoulders. We urge parents to create a home environment where the teachings of Islam are practiced and encouraged. This will help ensure that what your child learns at school is reinforced and implemented at home.

We believe that by working together as a community, we can help our children become confident, practicing Muslims who are proud of their identity and knowledgeable about their faith.